Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cancer Crab (SOLD)

Last week I went to see my doctor. After some tests he told me that I have cancer. I will go next week for more tests and probably an operation out of town. Needless to say I am a bit nervous about this, but I have lived a wonderful life so far. I hope to be painting again soon. I will probably be sporadic with my posts and paintings. I think the worst part of this is my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in June. She has one more chemotherapy treatment left.
Oil on canvas panel 6"X8"
$110 plus $12 shipping.
Thanks for looking
this painting is sold.


Kay Wyne said...

Rick, so sorry to hear this. Wishing you the best with your health----and I hope that you are able to continue painting and expressing yourself though your wonderful art. Kay

Max Frames said...

I wish you all my best and I will keep you in my prayers. -Gigi

Roger Åkesson said...

I am also sorry to hear about this, both regarding you and your wife. I cross my fingers, and I am sure (hope) that things will be fine in the end, for both of you.

Get well.

Susan said...

My heart and thoughts are with you both as you go through this. I just know you will be back to your wonderful life and your wonderful painting sooner than you may think. All the best to you, Rick.



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