Hi, my name is Rick, I am a photoholic and this is my 4th painting without a photograph. I moved the tomato. I must be suffering some kind of photo withdrawl. Wow this hurts! I have had the hiccups off and on for the last 24 hours. Now my stomach muscles ache with every hic. If it keeps up I could get sixpack muscles by default. Hic. Wow, if you see the flaw's in this painting I blame it on the hiccups. I get them sometimes for a day or more maybe once a year. It could be what kills me. Yeah, sure, hiccups can kill you. I heard about some guy that lived with them for 50plus years. Hic woke me last night a couple of times. I have been to the doctor about hiccups. Doctor shruged his shoulder's and said,
"Rick, take this thorazine". I am going to scour the medicine cabinet, but I know Cindy threw them away. Hic. Hey Doc, moo...ore thorazine hic please....... It... does.... the.......trick.....e..v...e....r....y..............t.....i......m.......e...... Hic. Wow this hurts.
Acrylic on canvas 11"X14" . You can buy this painting directly from the artist for $120.oo