Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Surf Shop Confidentials (SOLD)

and now it looks exactly like this.

a bit more in focus with blue washes over the area in shade and a little more white to define area in sunlight. The only color I have used is a mix of blue and raw umber as my black and white with the red tone of the background being my middle ground. Happy New Year. I keep telling myself something's coming..........................................

I might not paint anything else all year. still working on it.
Kevin likes my works in progress. This is the Secret Spot Surf Shop in Nag's Head, NC. I start most of my architectural paintings this way. Red toned to a middle ground tone. The remnants of my grid is still visable in the center of the painting. "Do you have dreams?"......... "Yeah, I have dreams. I dream of fire and intense heat....Don't pay any attention to my dreams."
Acrylic on canvas 12"X24" (SOLD)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The "Mini-McMansion" (on painting ill advised)(SOLD)

I will leave the work in progress below and above is the finished painting.
I have painted this house before "Design Gone Wild". A tiny ocean front house in Kitty Hawk that has tried in a series of remodels to look like all it's bigger brothers up and down the beach road. "The McMansions" I had been painting on this and it just wasn't working for me. It seemed somehow "unimportant". I thought perhaps it wasn't quite "........crooked enough". I start to add a personal slant and (all day long my counselor's paid just to warn me) ",'re painting ill advised".
Acrylic on canvas in sepia 18"X18"
This painting is sold.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Backyardagains (on waterfowl migration)(SOLD)

Thank you to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for "straightening out" the Missouri River.
Acrylic on canvas 16"X16" (SOLD)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bring your best game (on Bitter Lake)(SOLD)

It is a true saying that man may plan, but that God has the last word (Oom Schlak Lourens said.) Acrylic on canvas 18"X18" (SOLD)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I don't mind you cheatin' on me, but I sure wish he'd take that off his head

Ok. This painting is free. For you. Be the first person to send me an email requesting this painting and I will send it to you. I will even pay the postage. The only criteria is that you do not yet own one of my paintings. Acrylic on canvas 6"X8". Merry Christmas, Mary, I hope you enjoy it.

Friday, December 19, 2008

And the band played on

The ochestra played "Happy Birthday to You". And then "The Sound of Music" was in every corner. St. Mark's Square. Acrylic on canvas 24"X36"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blue moon (on when its too late to do a painting)

I did this as a sketch and then I decided to try it as a painting. This was too much fun to take seriously, but here it is. Acrylic on canvas 12"X16"

Are we there yet, again? (Kitty Hawk, 2008) (SOLD)

I painted this originally about 7 or 8 months ago. It hung in a gallery for 6 months. I took it out and replaced it with something else. I had to decide rather to gesso or modify. I modified it and added life that could been happening......... sort of like in "The Shining". Sometimes I think your paying attention and then sometimes I just fall flat. Acrylic on canvas 18"X18" (SOLD)

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Smart Continental (Dona Palace,Venice, June 11,2006)

above is a revision after reading Marilyn King's dots on "............good"
We fell asleep to the sounds of the shops closing and the clatter of tables and chairs being taken back into the restaurants on the street below. In the morning we were enjoying a smart continental breakfast on the balcony overlooking the canal. The newspaper had an article about Dragan Nikolic, a commander in the Bosnian Army that was being sent to Italy to serve a 20 year imprisonment for war crimes. I looked up from the paper and said "Happy Birthday Love........" Acrylic on canvas 16"X12"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Terns and Bloods (Cape Hatteras National Sea Shore/December 2008)(SOLD)

I am of the mind that giving a painting a place and a date in the title somehow signifies "important and relevant". You should agree. One can occasionally throw in words like "blood"and "saga", and hints to human strife and suffering. However, they must never be overused and should imply historical significance. I couldn't help smiling at these guys as I painted them. Acrylic on canvas 18"X22". (SOLD)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Marching to the City (OBX Hospital Donation)

I am amused by the thought of crabs marching. Sideways, goosestepping and claws akimbo. Or just easily amused. I liked the monotone red that defines this painting. Acrylic on canvas 18"X18" (I have donated this to The Outerbanks Hospital. I hope the new owner enjoys it.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Around the world in a dirty gondola (on when I paint my masterpiece)

Well, I just do what I'm told. My wife says to do a painting for her. "Do one of those like the boats in Venice"........... "Do one like that." She hands me a photo from our vacation in Venice. I just do what she says, of course. Then I painted this and then later I showed it for her to see. She looks at it and then she says ".....yeah. just.......not that size." Well, I just do what I'm told. Acrylic on canvas 16"X24"

Monday, December 1, 2008

Two penned

I painted a cottage painting for 2 days and then I painted these sheep on Bitter Lake. I didn't like the cottages much, but this was fun to paint. Acrylic on canvas 22"X18"



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