This house, known as The Stinton Ranch sits in the Alblemarle Sound at the end of Soundside Road in Nag's Head, North Carolina. Pretty much the only house I know that does. For reason's unexplained this house is on the National Historic Registry. The home was demolished in Hurricane Irene. I was sad to hear of its demise. I was puzzled when they decided to rebuild it. I have painted this house before. Since they decided to rebuild it, I decided I should at least make an effort to paint it again. I do not know if the original owner's of the property are living there.
This painting was done from a photograph of the original structure, and thus more accurate than what is now constructed at the end of Soundside Road.
Good News Everybody. I have renal cancer. I believe it is very curable. I will have surgery soon. I probably won't write about this much more. I don't want me or my painting to be defined by this.
I am going to remodel my studio and add some more square footage. I am going to do my best to keep painting through all of this.
I will have a new photograph of myself done soon. I might put on a new shirt. Life is wonderful. I am excited about how this ordeal will reinspire passion for improving my skills as a painter. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Bon Ton Roulet!
About This Painting:
The Stinton Ranch sits in the Alblemarle Sound at the end of Soundside Road in Nag's Head, North Carolina. This house is on the National Historic Registry.
Media: oil on panel
Size: 24 in X 23 in (61 cm X 58.4 cm)
Well bust my buttons. This painting is sold.